If men didn't already have enough cause to get vaccinated now there may be some evidence to scare them into getting jabbed. A plethora of new reports suggest that men infected with Covid-19 may be up to six times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/covid-19-may-impair-mens-sexual-performance
Erections are vascular events, and any condition which interferes with blood flow to Mr. Happy will cause the erection to suffer. This correlation is so powerful that erectile dysfunction is often the first warning sign of impending cardiac disease.
Covid-19 causes endothelial dysfunction.
While most patients recover from Covid-19 without long-term sequelae, 10-30% are not so fortunate. We know that one of the unfortunate consequences of Covid may be endothelial cell dysfunction. Sal F. (who may or may not be in the witness protection program) lamented about his sorrowful condition. "Gina and I always had a great love life. Not for nothing, but she's the love of my life. I didn't get the vaccine. Maybe I should have. Who knows? I'm not even exactly sure when I got Covid, but it turns out now I got the antibodies. I didn't think it was any big deal, but now my junk doesn't work the way it used to. I told my doctor, and he thinks it might be from the Covid. Great! Now I got Covid dick!"
Evidence for structural and biochemical changes in the penis secondary to Covid-19
Doctors seem to have a plausible explanation for Sal's quandary. Two patients who developed de novo erectile dysfunction after Covid ultimately underwent implantation of a penile prosthesis, which is generally the last resort for fixing ED. At the time of surgery tissue samples were obtained of their tissue and examined for evidence of Covid, and their vascular supply was also studied histologically. The tissue was analyzed for endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS, a marker of endothelial function) and COVID-19 spike-protein expression. There was a reduction of the Nitric Oxide Synthase, and persistent evidence of Covid-19, suggesting a causal relationship.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33988001/
Do you have Covid dick?
Erectile dysfunction is terribly common, affecting up to 30% of men under the age of 30. The incidence increases with age. Anything that reduces the amount of blood getting to the penis can contribute to ED. Some of the same factors which predisposed men to being the most vulnerable to the ravages of Covid are also among the factors which cause erectile dysfunction.
Men who notice a decline in sexual function obviously have many options besides surgery. In addition to pde5 inhibitors such as Viagra, other alternatives to treat the symptoms of ED include vasoactive injections (shots in the penis), vacuum erection devices, and pellets that are inserted into the urethra (OUCH!). Most recently another option has been popularized.

Potential advantages of low intensity shock wave treatments for ED
Unlike other treatments that are directed towards treating the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, LiSWT can attack the root cause of the problem, which is usually vascular insufficiency. Studies indicate that patients who successfully respond to treatment have increased blood flow to the penis. Low intensity shock waves can be safely administered at home when used as directed. Uroshock offers state of the art acoustic wave therapy without requiring men to undergo embarrassing visits to a clinic. Treatments at home last fifteen minutes, and are generally performed two times per week for three weeks. After waiting three weeks a second round of treatments are self-administered. Most patients will eventually require more treatments, but since they already own the machine, they can administer these treatments at their own discretion.
Low intensity shock wave therapy is not for everybody
Patients who have had erectile dysfunction for many years are much less likely to respond favorably. Patients who developed erectile dysfunction following pelvic surgery such as radical prostatectomy are also much less likely to respond. Uroshock works best when combined with other healthy lifestyle choices which include adequate sleep, proper diet, exercise, weight control and stress modification.