Get ready to experience the best in medical device technology with Uroshock! Our Uroshock Pro is an FDA registered Type 1 medical device that has been developed by the renowned urologist, Michael Kaplan, MD. With over two years of experience in treating erectile dysfunction, our product has received rave reviews from Google and Amazon. We take pride in offering the best customer service in the industry, with. Kaplan personally responding to all clinical questions. And that's not all! Our PV13 is specifically designed to complement low intensity shockwave therapy. The Uroshock Pro is the first cordless device in the home shockwave space, made with medical grade components, and is priced at 1/3 to 1/2 of the competition. Plus, it's smaller, sleeker, quieter, and much more ergonomically friendly than the competition. Get ready to dominate the shockwave space with Uroshock Pro!
The Uroshock Affiliate Program
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Uroshock is happy to provide a plethora of tested video promotional material. We have a massive supply of quality images. We will provide free PV13 supplements on an individual basis.
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Urologists Guide To Penis Enlargement
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1. Affiliates are not permitted to use any terminology in ads or landing pages that are considered non-compliant by the FTC or FDA. Affiliates must be in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, including without limitation the Federal Trade Commission Act (“FTC Act”),
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Multiple clinical studies in men have demonstrated that low-intensity extracorporeal shock waves (LiESWL) are capable of improving erections, especially in those patients with milder forms of erectile dysfunction. Up to 40% of patients who take erection pills are either dissatisfied or find the side effects intolerable. Shock wave therapy helps many of these men to get off the drugs.
Animal studies have allowed us to determine the actual mechanism of action. When the shock waves bend cells, growth factors are released. New blood vessels are formed (angiogenesis) nerves are regenerated, and progenitor cells or stem cells are either activated or recruited. There is also a reduction in inflammation.
Shock waves don't work on everybody. Patients who are on the most extreme end of the spectrum, and those who have had radical pelvic surgery are unlikely to benefit. Men who are only interested in penile enlargement should seek alternative options.
Image: Mesenchymal stem cells
Here's How Acoustic Waves Work:

Have you lost length and girth? Age, obesity, smoking and sexual inactivity can make you smaller. Getting back in the game and losing weight can help you to regain lost size.
Improved vascularity and regenerative growth means better erections. Our Urologist- led design team reimagined home treatment with a compact, discrete unit with quantified power.
More blood flow and angiogenesis means a firmer, harder erection that you can count on!
Uroshock's acoustic waves help stimulate your body to regenerate without potentially dangerous medications or surgery.


Uroshock Protocol
Who is NOT a good candidate for Uroshock?
Patients who have known bleeding dyscrasias (i.e., patients who have trouble clotting or who are prone to bleeding heavily.)
Patients who are on blood thinners including but not limited to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, coumadin, Eliquis, Pradaxa, Fragmin, Savaysa, Lovenox, Arixtra, Heparin, and Rivaroxaban.
Patients who have had complete erectile dysfunction for more than three years, or developed erectile dysfunction after pelvic surgery such as radical prostatectomy are unlikely to benefit.
If you are already getting great erections, you are unlikely to benefit. Enjoy yourself while it lasts!
Who IS a good candidate for Uroshock?
Patients who have responded well to pde5-inhibitors such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra or Stendra but would prefer a more natural approach.
Patients who have experienced unpleasant side effects from pde5-inhibitors.
Patients who are unhappy with the inconvenience of vacuum erection devices.
Patients who are dissatisfied with vacoactive injection therapy.
Patients who find intra-urethral pellets uncomfortable or inconvenient.
Patients who are still potent, but find themselves with erections with less rigidity, fullness, or turgidity.
Patients who have noted a gradual decline in sensation during intercourse may notice enhanced, youthful feelings.
Uroshock works by providing acoustic waves that generate cellular changes. These waves not only help to break up plaque, but they also produce mechanical energy that the cells convert to biochemical signals. This in turn results in release of growth factors and attract stem cells. This process takes time, and so the best results occur when patients are on a schedule. There are a variety of different schedules in the literature, and our protocols are based upon the most recent published data.
3000 shocks per session (20 minutes of application time)
1X per week for 6 weeks
toll free 833-UROSHOCK

Urologist designed. Patient driven.
Questions about acoustic wave therapy, erectile dysfunction, or male enhancement? We're here to help!
Phone toll-free 833-UROSHOCK (833-876-7462) /